I guess it depends what you call successful. If you “bing” the word successful you will see definitions like; turning out well; having the intended results, or popular, or with a record of significant achievements.
By those definitions we might say a poster is successful when a lot of people buy it, then we can call it successful! But we look at it in a different Light. If just one person buys a poster and that poster has an effect on their life or their spiritual growth, then to us, it’s successful.
Don’t get me wrong successful sales are important to us too! Sales keeps the doors open.
Norman Vincent Peale said “The more you loose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have.” I think that is what happened to InspirationArt. We are into something bigger than ourselves. When we have sold even just one poster we have no idea the effect that poster might have on a person’s life. We have received 100’s of letters telling us the positive effect a poster has had on persons faith, spiritual growth or their life in general. That is success to us.
So how does that happen?
Posters are kind of like highway billboards. The older crowd will love this, posters are like the old Burma Shave signs along the road. You had to read them fast and they had to make sense to you quickly or you would miss the point. Much like highway billboards today. You don’t have a lot of time to read them and you better “get it” right away or all is lost cause you’re two miles down the road in the next two minutes.
Our Christian poster TRUST IN THE LORD, is an easy one to “get it” quick. A powerful scripture that gets right to the point, you either TRUST IN THE LORD or you don’t. Doesn’t take long to reach your cerebral cortex and have an impact. On the other hand the poster REAL LOVE takes a while to read and make the connection between the scripture and the significance of Jesus Christ in our lives.
FOLLOW ME poster is another example of a poster that takes a little more thinking time. The images are in the shape of cross, hence following Christ. But, who are these people, members of my church. Nope, they represent everyone. Every age, color, creed, sex, and representing everyone from around the world. So who is to follow Christ? Everyone! Absolutely everyone! That will make you think for a moment. Agree or disagree?
Why do we make Christian posters? Because we are called by God to have an impact on the world even if it’s just one poster at a time.
How do we do this? By spending lots of time working on each poster and by being led by God as to the image and the scripture on each poster.
Where do the posters end up? Everywhere, dorm rooms, church classrooms, pastors studies, all over the world.
Won’t you join us?
Read more at http://under30ceo.com/50-best-success-quotes-of-all-time/#IcYOftvVkeXIK
Read more at http://under30ceo.com/50-best-success-quotes-of-all-time/#IcYOftvVkeXIKjFQ.99
Read more at http://under30ceo.com/50-best-success-quotes-of-all-time/#IcYOftvVkeXIKjFQ.99